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El pediatra experto en nefrología infantil, Federico Gentile, afirma que este factor de riesgo está relacionado con la prevalencia de obesidad y síndrome metabólico.
The new adult and pediatric emergency rooms were inaugurated by the President of the Republic of Panama Laurentino Cortizo. Investment in the first phase of the Master Plan for the renovation of Hospital Paitilla has exceeded 17 million dollars
The hospital group continues its research into new therapies for lupus, an autoimmune disease affecting mostly women and which has a hereditary component. The mortality rate of the disease has fallen thanks to treatments and studies.
Los procedimientos de láser verde, láser de holmium y vapor de agua, ofrecen una solución a personas que por su edad no pueden ser candidatas a intervenciones convencionales
The healthcare group offers a discount to runners on the sports screening tests
Hospiten apuesta por la prevención a través de un control de la alimentación e ingesta de líquidos, además de un plan terapéutico adecuado diseñado por un pediatra para controlar esta patología.
This innovative technique consists of locating and puncturing the diseased vein, releasing a medical compound allowing the varicose vein to be closed with a success rate of over 96%
Este procedimiento quirúrgico, que consiste en la extirpación de una parte del cuello del útero, es mínimamente invasivo
The Healthcare Group promotes the early detection of this type of cancer which, diagnosed in time, can be cured in 90% of cases
The Healthcare Group will support the Association with the aim of promoting cancer prevention and generating joint actions to help affected people