Hospiten News

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Amath, MVP Hospiten season 16/17
Posted on 19-06-2017

Footballer Amath Ndiaye has been chosen by fans of CD Tenerife as the MVP Hospiten 16-17, which this year opens with its first edition. Amath received the best rating in the votes held during the 42 weeks of the league. The African center midfielder finished the regular competition with 12 goals under his belt, becoming the top scorer of the squad 16-17.

Hospiten Santo Domingo imparte charla sobre Emergencias durante la Temporada Ciclónica.
Posted on 13-06-2017

Hospiten Santo Domingo imparte charla sobre Emergencias durante la Temporada Ciclónica. SANTO DOMINGO.- Con miras a incrementar la seguridad de pacientes y empleados, Hospiten Sant...

Hospiten en Expodeporte Tenerife Bluetrail
Posted on 08-06-2017

El stand de Hospiten en ExpoDeporte 2017 fue visitado por alguno de los equipos patrocinados en esta temporada 2016/2017.Miembros del CD Tenerife, jugadoras de la U.D. Grandilla e ...

Hospiten Estepona joins the Euromelanoma prevention campaign
Posted on 08-06-2017

The healthcare group has offered free check-ups and advises the public on the prevention and early diagnosis of skin cancer...

Grupo Hospiten dona equipos médicos a la Fundación Franz Miniño Marión Landais
Posted on 29-05-2017

Grupo Hospiten dona equipos médicos a la Fundación Franz Miniño Marión Landais El Grupo Hospiten realizó la donación de equipos médicos a la Fundación Franz Miniño Marión Landais e...

La Ginecoestética funcional y regenerativa, un nuevo servicio de atención integral ginecológica
Posted on 25-05-2017

El Grupo Hospiten celebra en Puerto de la Cruz una jornada informativa para explicar esta nueva rama de la Ginecología que da respuesta a los problemas funcionales que dificultan l...

Hospiten Montego Bay participates in a solidarity race in support of access to education
Posted on 23-05-2017

The race aims to raise funds for the more disadvantaged people in the area. Last May 7, the Hospiten Group, through its center Hospiten Montego Bay, participated in the annual soli...

Hospiten and the Town Council of Arona collaborate in the VII International Combined Athletics Meeting Arona
Posted on 23-05-2017

Last Thursday the Mayor of Arona, Jose Julian Mena accompanied by Sports Councilor Juan Sebastian Roque, sealed with the CEO of Hospiten D. Juan Jose Hernandez, a collaboration agreement for the organization of the VII edition of the International Combined Athletics Meeting Arona 2017

El cardiólogo de Hospiten Estepona,Pedro Brugada, nombrado Académico de Honor de la Real Academia de Medicina de Sevilla
Posted on 22-05-2017

El cardiólogo de Hospiten Estepona, Pedro Brugada i Terradellas, ha sido nombrado Académico de Honor de la Real Academia de Medicina y Cirugía de Sevilla por su relevante prestigio...

Prevention in children’s health
Posted on 17-05-2017

At present, one of the priorities of doctors around the world is to prevent infectious diseases by means of vaccination. Although the immediate aim is to prevent disease, the final...